Orange Creamsicle Drink

This drink tastes like summer in a glass! It’s inspired by the Creamsicle Bar.


  • A can of seltzer (not flavored)
  • 3 tablespoons peeled frozen clementine (recipe below)
  • About 3 tablespoons of vanilla ice cream
  • 1/8 vanilla extract
  • some ice (optional)

For the frozen orange:

Peel as much clementine as you want and put in a Ziplock bag. Then freeze until hard. Once frozen transfer to a blender and blend until a powdery texture. BAM YOU’RE DONE !

For the orange drink:

Combine all ingredients in a glass. Then stir and add some ice if you want to. BAM YOU’RE DONE!

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  1. “Bam, you’re done!” Love it. Will have to try this!

    1. Thank you!!❤❤

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